Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Books
The following books, used in catechist formation and recommended for parents, are available for purchase on the CGS website or through Amazon.
Parenting, CGS and Montessori Education Websites
Aid To Life - This initiative hopes to give parents clear, simple advice on creating an environment that supports babies' natural development from birth through two years, encouraging adults to connect with their children in positive activity while allowing very young children plenty of time to grow and develop according to their natural pace.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd USA - National Association site full of information and resources - This website is filled with excellent articles and blogs about Montessori education, parenting advice, home life.
The Gurian Institute - Neuroscience on how the brain works and nurturing gender differences
Conscious Parenting Books
Transforming the Difficult Child: the Nurtured Heart Approach, by Dr. Howard Glasser
All Children Flourishing –Igniting the Greatness of our Children- Dr. Howard Glasser
Between Parent and Child, by Haim Ginott
Punished By Rewards; The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise and other Bribes – Alfie Kohn
Unconditional Parenting – Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason – Alfie Kohn
The Temperament God Gave Your Kids – Art & Laraine Bennet
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk – Adele Faber
Montessori Madness! A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education – Trevor Eissler
The 7 O’Clock Bedtime: Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes a Child Healthy, Playful and Wise– Inda Schaenen