(540) 631-0900

Why Montessori?

Imagine a place. . .

that respects the unique gift that each child has to offer to the world. Our programs offer individual direction to guide and nurture each child's spiritual, emotional, and intellectual gifts in fulfillment of the seed planted deep within by God.

Child using Montessori Math materials

where your child’s innate thirst for holiness and wholeness is nurtured as they are invited into relationship with the Good Shepherd who calls them by name;


where your child can fall in love with God and take delight in receiving and celebrating the Good News of His Word;


where the Light of Christ is tended and burns more brightly in the heart of each child;


where your child’s own joyful, self-motivated, enthusiastic learning is cultivated;


where your child receives respectful guidance to grow at each stage of development in independence and self-reliance;


where natural self-esteem, courtesy, compassion and respectfulness in all interactions is fostered;


where the beautiful balance of freedom and responsibility is explored and developed.

Children doing math at John XXIII

In a Montessori program, children develop a lifelong passion for learning and the confidence to excel at whatever they do.

Many of the brightest minds and entrepreneurs of our lifetime are Montessori educated; their creativity and connection with their inner drive was fostered in their most formative years. A Montessori child is empowered to reach their full potential for a brighter future.

At John XXIII, our thoughtfully prepared environments coupled with our trained and experienced adults guide and nurture your child to grow in fulfillment of the seed planted by God deep within at his/her making. Your child’s gifts are cultivated in connection with his or her “Inner Guide.” This inner connection, once established, will bless, inform and sustain your child for a lifetime.

If you value this touchstone experience for your child, then John XXIII Montessori Center may be the educational home for your family.

For more information about the Montessori Method, please see our Resources page, The Features and Benefits of a Montessori Environment and Social and Emotional Intelligence.

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